
“Gender Roles”

-Elizabeth Chinery, Junior Community Outreach Coordinator (Many Ways to Be a Girl, but One Way to Be a Boy: The New Gender Rules)

The issue of gender inequality starts with what we teach our children. We as a society need to start promoting inclusive mindsets. In this case, an inclusive mindset is one that promotes value in an individual regardless of gender and preserved “gender roles.” A female who dresses in a more relaxed fashion (no makeup, sweatpants, baggy clothes,, etc.) is no less beautiful than one that dresses in clothing such as blouses, skirts, high heels, etc. A male who is a stay-at-home dad isn’t less “manly” than one who is the breadwinner for his family. We as a society need to start taking labels (such as “being manly” or “acting/dressing like a lady”) out of our vocabulary. An individual (who is not harming anyone in anyway) should be able to love the way they look and behave without being bombarded by the rude and insulting commentary many receive for not conforming to their so called “gender role.”

Think about it:

Does how someone dresses on a day to day basis affect you in any significant way? No. Their outfit doesn’t destroy your plans for the day or ruin any part of your life whatsoever.

In the same sense, does someone who happens to prefer intimate relationships with the same gender cause you any problems? Does it really have any affect on your day to day life? No one is asking you to switch your sexuality. That is their preference and how they feel. You may not feel the same but what they feel has nothing to do with you.

This isn’t meant to attack anyone. It’s meant to get people thinking about what our society’s children are being taught and how it’s affecting everyone as a whole.

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